A year on, we’ve had requests to to create a short follow-up to gauge experiences – this time fosucing on the level of current performing opportunities, and any on-going effects of the pandemic on musicians’ performance work.
Therefore whilst it’s a difficult conversation for us all, please can we know how things are for you with your professional work. Have performance opportunities opened back up for you, and if so to what degree? Or is your performance work still greatly affected and if so how?
Plus even though pandemic restrictions have been lifted for many, we’re aware of artists from shielding groups still experiencing the consequences of the pandemic, or some people for various health reasons may simply not feel safe to resume their previous working environments.
Please know this survey comes from the perspective of music creators themselves, is being presented with sensitivity, and we’d really appreciate your support in gaining as much info as possible to shine a light on where and how support may be needed.
It’s only open for one week, and will only take 5minutes – 10minutes max. Thank you for your support in taking time.
[ninja_form id=8]