Music professionals should be free from bullying and harassment

WeAreMusic signposts to trusted organisations that help make the music industry safe for all

We provide talking points to inspire positive change

Find Support: these services provide information and advice

THE MUSICIANS UNION: The MU Safe Space Scheme: launched to provide a safe space for MU member musicians to share instances of sexism, sexual harassment and sexual abuse in the music industry. More…

The MU runs a SafeSpace service which provides a confidential place to report instances of sexual harassment and abuse in the music industry. This service is open to anyone working in music. As well as contributing to the MU’s campaigning work to eliminate sexual harassment and abuse from music, reporting to their SafeSpace gives access to advice on your rights and support in deciding whether or how to take your complaint forward.

The Musicians’ Union (MU) is the UK’s trade union representing professional musicians. The MU has over 32,000 members and offers legal advice, insurances and other benefits for musicians as well as negotiating many of the rates and agreements they work under. Click here for The MU Safe Space Scheme

HELP MUSICIANS: A new helpline that supports those suffering bullying and harassment within the UK music industry has been launched. More…

Help Musicians’ new helpline supports those suffering bullying and harassment within the UK music industry 0800 088 2045

With the majority of musicians in the UK working on a freelance basis, there is currently no support of this kind available to individuals who are experiencing problems with difficult behaviour. The new helpline, provided by Help Musicians, aims to fill a gap in support provision, ensuring that those working in the music industry have a place to turn for advice and practical help.

The service is not only being offered to professional musicians, but to everyone working within the music industry. Callers are able to immediately speak with a specialist bullying and harassment advisor, who undertakes a risk assessment. Click here for The Help Musicians Bullying and Harassment Service

UN WOMEN UK: UNWomenUK run the Safe Spaces Now project, aiming to make more spaces across the UK safer for women, girls and marginalised groups. More…

“Very soon, the music industry will be celebrating as our festivals and live events reopen to the world. It’s a moment we’ve all been waiting for. In a society that often works to divide us, music has the power to unite us – whatever the tough realities of life may be.

But now we must face our own reality. And this reality is one that our industry has too long ignored: venues, festivals, studios and workplaces are too often not safe spaces for women, girls and marginalised genders.

It is high time we change that, and we have a collective responsibility to take action. This restart needs to be for all of us. Our spaces must provide safety from harassment, violence, and abuse of power. Music should be a place of joy and inclusion for all.” Click here for the UNWomenUK campaign and to sign their open letter

PRIDE IN MUSIC: a non-profit charitable collective working to create a cross-industry network for the LGBTQ+ community, artists and allies working within British Music More…

Pride in Music ????️‍???? aims to provide a support network to break down stereotypes, to work as an education service to employers and staff, as an entry point to the industry for underprivileged youth and to provide a peer mentoring, networking, and an industry wide social group to help those who may struggle with the anxieties and stigmas that generally arise with these topics. Find out more here

ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING: improving deaf and disabled people’s access to live music More…

Attitude is Everything connects Deaf and disabled people with music and event industries to improve access together.

There are ongoing series of sessions for promoters to learn and discuss how to support artists with access requirements. Click here for “Seven Inclusive Principles for Arts and Cultural Organisations”

BLOCK PARTY: Use Block Party to filter out unwanted Twitter @mentions and use Twitter as normal: anti-harassment tools against online abuse – solutions for user control, protection, and safety More…

The quickest way to describe what Block Party does is anti-harassment tools against online abuse, but more fundamentally they are building solutions for user control, protection, and safety.
Find out more here

SAFE GIGS IRELAND: making safe gigs the new normal More…

Everyone deserves to feel safe at gigs. Everyone deserves to have fun. As we return to normal, we want to create a new normal – a safer normal, for everyone.

Safe Gigs Ireland is an initiative to make gigs and nightlife safer, for everyone. We want to eliminate discrimination and sexual violence in nightlife by creating a zero-tolerance environment for all forms of violence and unacceptable behaviour.
Find out more here

Get help:

EVAW: a comprehensive list of emergency crisis support More…

CALM: a comprehensive list of emergency crisis support More…

Music Minds Matter: Whatever you’re going through right now, you can contact Music Minds Matter More…

Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, Music Minds Matter is Help Musicians’ dedicated mental health support line and service for the whole UK music community.

>If you work in music and are struggling to cope, or know someone who is, talk to us. It doesn’t have to be a crisis, or about music. We’re here to listen, support and help at any time. Contact Music Minds Matter on 0808 802 8008

MITC: Music Industry Therapist Collective More…

The Music Industry Therapist Collective believes that those working in the industry need access to high quality psychotherapy from registered and experienced psychotherapists who also have an in-depth inside understanding of how the industry works. Click here if you or someone you know are finding recent events difficult and would benefit from some additional support

Music Support: a registered charity founded in April 2016 by people from within the UK music industryMore…

Music Support provides help and support for those who work in UK music and live events affected by mental ill-health and/or addiction. They facilitate education and learning via workshops and training to individuals and organisations in the industry so they may be better equipped in the areas of awareness, early intervention and prevention. Click here if you or someone you know in the music industry needs help and support


NATIONAL BULLYING HELPLINE: Information and advice for anyone dealing with bullying

The National Bullying Helpline is a confidential helpline designed to advise about bullying and employment law but in some serious cases, we may take action if we believe someone is in danger. We have an ongoing Service Agreement with the Police so we can act swiftly when there is a potential danger to life. Click here for more

RAPE CRISIS: We’re here for you. More…

Rape Crisis England & Wales is the charity working to end sexual violence and abuse. Click here for more

SAMARITANS: Whatever you’re going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. We’re here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. More…

You can get in touch about anything that’s troubling you, no matter how large or small the issue feels. Call us now for free on 116 123 – We’re here to listen, no judgement, no pressure, and help you work through what’s on your mind. We’ll never tell you what to do.Click here for more

VICTIM SUPPORT: Need help after crime? More…

If you want to speak to someone now, call our free 24/7 Supportline – 08 08 16 89 111 or start a live chat. In an emergency always call 999. Our service is confidential and we will only share information about you without your consent if we’re worried about your safety or someone else’s safety, or if we are required to by law. Click here for more

RIGHT TO BE: We turn the care we have for each other ito simple, creative, and effective ation. More…

We believe a world that respects our right to be isn’t some far-off destination. It’s something we’re building every day. This is your call to power, to build a world free of harassment. How do you want to get started? Every day, we train hundreds of people to respond to, intervene in, and heal from harassment. We hold space for people experiencing harassment to share their stories for affirmation and support. And we prepare new leaders to create workplaces, schools, and communities around the world that are filled with humanity. Click here for more

SURVIVORS UK: men overcoming sexual violence together More…

We relentlessly work to ensure every boy, man, and non-binary person in the UK has access to the support they need to navigate the impact of sexual violence and begin their journey of recovery. Click here for more

GALOP: We support LGBT+ people who have experienced abuse and violence More…

Our team has decades of experience in supporting LGBT+ people who are victims of domestic abuse, sexual violence, hate crime, so-called conversion therapies, honour-based abuse, forced marriage, and other forms of abuse. Click here for more

MIND:We won’t give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets support and respect. However you identify, we’re here to fight for you More…

What we do: we provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. We campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding. Click here for more

NHS: NHS Choices Live Well – Bullying at Work More…

How to identify if you’re being bullied at work, how to stop it, and advice on getting support. Click here for more

Legal support:

INCORPORATED SOCIETY OF MUSICIANS: ISM Legal advice and support. More…

A UK professional body for musicians and subject association for music, specialist in-house legal team to help with professional advice and to look after interests in numerous ways (one to one legal assistance).

24-hour legal helpline available 365 days a year exclusively for ISM members. Get telephone-based advice on any legal issue, whether work-related or not. Click here for ISM Legal advice and support

ACAS: professional work advice More…

Dealing with problems at work
Click here for more

CITIZENS ADVICE:: Discrimination at Work – Bullying & Harassment More…

Citizens Advice: Discrimination at Work – Bullying & Harassment
Click here for more

UK GOVERNMENT: website on Workplace Bullying & Harassment More… website on Workplace Bullying & Harassment
Click here for more

Let us know of any other initiatives or organisations in the UK or worldwide that you think we should add. Tweet us or email us your suggestions.

What’s Happening – coming soon:

Digital poster outreach series launch Sept 2022 + In Studio/Venue poster series launch soon after, displaying info + QR codes for portal to Organisations’ support and info

Email us if you’d like to be part of the launches, displaying the posters in your venues and work places:

First draft of our poster campaign below:



If you’d like to know more

Join our mailing list so we can let you know about initiatives + Organisations’ support and campaigns:



Instagram posts and conversations inspiring positive change

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About Us

MISSION: WeAreMusic believes all music professionals should be free from bullying and harassment. We are fully independent, signposting to trusted organisations that help make the music industry safe for all. We aim to provide talking points to inspire positive change, and promote current initiatives that people need to be aware of.

We call for every company to pledge to do their best to rid bullying and harassment in their workplace

